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I can only log into 1 password protected category at a time

If you're using our WordPress Password Protected Categories plugin, then you can only unlock one password protected category at a time.

If you log into one password protected category and then log into another, you will find that you have been logged out of the second category and need to re-enter the password.

This is the way that the password protection cookie works in WordPress, and comes from WordPress itself rather than our plugin. You can read more here.

We recommend that you structure your website in a way that will naturally encourage users to access one category at a time. Alternatively, here are some suggestions on how you can allow your users to access multiple categories at once:

  • You can protect multiple categories with a single password by creating a password protected 'Parent' category and adding your other categories as sub-categories. Set the sub-categories to 'Public', and they will automatically be protected with the same password as the parent category. That way, users can navigate between categories without having to re-enter a password.
  • Alternatively, you can use the user or role protection option in the plugin to automatically unlock as many categories as you like when someone logs into their WordPress user account.

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