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Posts Table plugins - Free & Pro comparison

Our free Posts Table with Search & Sort plugin lists blog posts in a table layout. The premium version, Posts Table Pro, adds much more functionality including support for custom post types, custom fields, and more.

Here's a comparison table where you can see what's included with each plugin:

Features Free Plugin Posts Table Pro
Post type Posts only Any post type including blog posts, pages, documents, or any custom post type added by a theme or plugin.
Columns Image, ID, title, content, categories, tags, author, date Plus any custom field, custom taxonomy, post excerpt, post status, modified date, and button.
Rename headings - Yes
Display specific posts By category, tag, author, or status Also display posts by post type, taxonomy term, custom field value, year, month, day, or ID. Exclude by ID or category
Sort options Sort by any column in ascending or descending order Also sort by ID, title, menu order, date, name, modified date, author, comment count or random
Instant keyword search Yes Yes
Filter dropdowns - Add filters for categories, tags, or custom taxonomy
Search on click Supported for categories, tags, and author Also supported for custom taxonomy columns
Option to disable links to single post/page - Yes
Move or hide table controls - Yes
Change number of rows per page Yes Yes
Pagination styles 1 4
Enable/disable text wrapping Yes Yes
Content length Control length of content column Also control length of excerpt column
Mobile-responsive Yes Yes, with various options to control how the table behaves on different devices
Choose column widths - Yes
Choose image size - Yes
Image lightbox - Yes
Embed audio, video & other shortcodes - Yes
Display HTML formatting, buttons & links to downloads or external sites - Yes
Set a maximum number of posts - Yes
Lazy load option for improved performance - Yes
Caching option for improved performance - Yes
Date format & date sorting - Yes
Custom 'No Posts' message - Yes
Tested with 3rd party plugins - Yes - View our plugin compatibility page

We've also provided a complete list of Posts Table Pro options and how to use them.

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